Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

One Man feeding 8000 fellow men daily: 

03 Augustus 2011 05:10:24

One Man feeding 8000 fellow men daily:

‘Free Iftar and Sehr’ for depressed, bereaved and sick people at PIMS

In the holy month of Ramazan most of the people try to get more virtues, blessings of Allah than in normal days while there are some who fleece people even in this month without realizing the sanctity of the holy month.


But on the other hand there are those who not only help people, feed them in Ramazan but also in normal days as well.


One such person among those philanthropists who help other poor people is Haji Mushtaq who distributes free food in the time of Iftar and Sehr to at least 8,000 people at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS).


Hajji Mushtaq is an altruist and is a contractor by profession said, “I started giving Iftar and Sehr meals from 4 people 7 years back but today with the grace of God Almighty I give food to thousands of people in a day and this is due to the mercy of God who raised my capacity from 4 people to almost 8,000 people daily in the time of fast breaking.”


“The idea of giving food to bereaved people came to my mind at a time during my visit to the PIMS hospital Islamabad to attend my friend who was admitted here. So there I saw poor and needy people who didn’t have any food for quite some days and they were facing lot of problems. I was so moved by this sight and in this way I started giving food to needy people in the hospital.”


The Iftar dinner consists of rice, vegetables, curry, pulses and meat minced curry while desert is also served.


He said, “In the beginning I brought food for the poor which was cooked at my home normally and later on God gave me the capability to give benefit to those who don’t have anything to eat in the hospital.”


PIMS is reported to have the first hospital in Pakistan where food is being served to almost hundreds of people not only in the holy and sacred month of Ramazan but also in the normal days as well to the needy and for those who come from far from areas as well.


“I am intending of making the same program in the rest of the hospitals in Pakistan but it is difficult for me to do because of the limited resources. If some philanthropists contribute with us in this noble deed then it would be extended to some other hospitals as well,” He added.


He spends half of his income to this cause while the other half is dedicated to his family. He also helps and provides the poor residents of the slums ‘Kachi Abadi’ with two time food as well which is really a big service for the humanity.