Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Zardari for revisiting triangular relationship between capital, labor and skill 

01 Mei 2016 12:18:01

Zardari for revisiting triangular relationship between capital, labor and skill

Islamabad April 30, 2016 (INFN): On the eve of the International Labor Day the Pakistan People’s Party wishes to re-affirm its commitment to never permit sacking of workers in the name of privatization and to strive for defending the dignity of the workers, the peasants and the wage earners. The Party also pays homage on this occasion to the workers within the country and throughout the world who have made huge sacrifices in the struggle for protecting labor rights.

This has been stated by the President of Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarian former President Asif Ali Zardari in his message on the international Labor Day falling on Sunday May 1.

Wealth, like power, has this strange behavior; the more one has it the more one craves for it. The rich are thus getting richer and the powerful by encroachment becoming even more powerful. In a truly welfare society the powerful must be restrained from trampling the weak and capital not allowed to exploit the labor and wage earner.

At a time when the rich are becoming richer and the poor getting poorer it is important to revisit the relationship between the capital, the labor and the skill with a view to removing distortions in this triangular relationship, the former President said in his message.

Workers are the back bone of the society the PPPP President said adding also that the Party will always stand by them in their fight for dignity and rights.

The struggle for improving the working conditions of workers and protection from exploitation is a continuous one and the Party will continue its struggle to secure the rightful place of workers in the society, he said.

He said that the previous PPP government reinstated sacked employees, regularized contract workers, restored trade union activities and made the workers share holders in state run enterprises. The Party also made legislation providing for legal remedies against any unlawful dismissals. The Party is keeping a watch and will not permit any reversal of these policies, he said.-INFN