Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Posts From Augustus, 2011

‘Another Taseer targeted’ 

The last Friday of Ramadan: ‘Jum’ah tul-wida’ Observed with Religious Reverence; 

Not everyone’s Eid, Poor Clog with Their Miseries; 

BHRC condemns mass murder of Baloch, Sindhi clans in Karachi 

Mirza Quits With a Bang 

Males become increasingly conscious about their looks; 

Launch of PRSP-II Progress Report 2009-10: 

Iftar parties - Public Relation Stunt or Religious Practice 

‘Massive Migration’ for Eid Gathers Momentum 

Bitter Truth 

Religious fanaticism- mindsets need to be changed 

You are (not) free to go to your temples… 

Pakistan Social Accountability Network (PSAN)-Islamabad Chapter launched 

Promoters of home-based women workers 

Role model for the youth 

On the verge of brain-rain 

The United States Supports Efforts to Implement Energy Sector Reforms 

Violations of Minorities’ Rights; 

Camel Milk Panacea for All Diseases; 

Young women entrepreneurs Eid expo kicks off 

Law degree mandatory for journalists to cover SC; 

Urdu Advertisement 


Desperate Journalist Threatens ‘to cease living’; 

Heat-wave Prolongs during Ramazan 

Demonstration for Siraiki Province 

Residential Woes in Twin Cities: 

Mobile Phone Companies Plundering People with Both Hands; 

A life-long struggle to buy happiness for children; 

Nuisance in Pursuing Higher Studies: 

Blockade of roads by concrete slabs widespread across the capital; 

An Agreement for a Halal Industrial Park between Halal Research Council and FIEDMS; 

Overflowing Sewerage Causing Nuisance; 

Tailors over-burdened sewing cloths for Eid 

Trend of owning vehicles increases: 

‘International Media Ethics Day’ to be celebrated in Pakistan 

HRCP slams murder, abduction of journalists 

Bringing colour, femininity, attitude and individuality to your wardrobe; 

24% women malnourished, 36% anaemic with IDD in Nepal 

‘Count of Dead Journalists in 2011’, reaches 10: 

IFJ Urges Action to Locate Abducted Journalist 

Audacious men are rare to find; No respite even at night from work 

BEHBOOD extends relief for people: 

Nepalese Scholar Visits IPRI 

Playing With Lives of People; 

Bullets Won’t Reach Journalists Now; 

No end to public woes; Govt all set to drop ‘petrol bomb’; 

ITP’s Good-will Gesture for Independence Day: 

Independence Day: 

GHQ Attack Case: 

Hawks beat Eagles Black in Capital Cup 

Drama ‘Unity’ performed at PNCA: 

Justice has its course, at last: 

3 die, 5 sustain injuries in Rain-related accidents 

Beware of cheaters: 

Celebration of Independence Day Gathers Momentum 

Congested road gets deteriorated by encroachers 

‘It's not only about clamping down on clothing; they are spreading panic and interfering into your personal life’; 

Plight of women in South Asia still Deplorable; 

‘Change Our World’ the theme of International Youth Day Today: 

Hygiene, purity and cleanliness of water: 

Service in the real sense continues: 

Congested road gets deteriorated by encroachers  

Lake View Park 

Non-Installation of Meters in Yellow Cabs: 

Prioritise health on political agenda: 

Women entrepreneurs asked to diversify: 

Heavy downpour lashes hard: 

Normal youngsters turning themselves into ‘eunuchs’: 

Wake up FDE, It is high time: 

Crazy driving as Iftar approaches can be dangerous 

A dangerous trend of bad eating habits: 

Asian capital markets show resilience despite economic uncertainty in U.S, Euro-zone: ADB 

Inter-provincial gang of bandits caught red-handed 

Disability is a test of God for humans 

Abducted Daughter of India hopes a reunion with parents 

Strenuous work: 

Securing Land Rights to Empower Marginalized Poorest Women: 

Ramadan Night Cricket Starts with full zeal and zest 

Want to Quit Smoking for Good? 

Mobile Phone Mania: 

Procession in front of Parliament: 

‘Gilli Danda’ still famous game among the slum children 

Seminary Child goes missing: 

Rain makes fasting easy for people 


Demand of Artificial Jewellery on the Rise: 

Daily Wages, Contract and Junior Lady Teachers facing a new hurdle in Regularization of Service 

‘Lack of Faith’ or ‘Over-Confidence about Ominous Future’: 

‘Brands of the Year Award’: 

Horrible barber shops in twin-cities 

PASDEC launches marble mosaic and inlay gender training sessions 

Sanctity of the holy month makes no difference for adulterators; 

Believers forced to have ‘Dark Sehri’: 

One Man feeding 8000 fellow men daily: 

IFJ Condemns Killing of Afghan Reporter 

Acts of intimidation against two Karachi-based TV journalists in past 10 days: RWB shows concern  

Youth complains about discriminatory policy of Bait-ul-Mal; 

ATM Machines Out Of Order, Links Down: 

A Rare Picture 

‘Save the Earth, it’s the only planet with chocolate’: 

2nd Jihadi-Terrorist caught in US Army: 

HRCP issues interim statement on Karachi violence: 

Compelled to beg on clutches; 

Rain Bug or Red Velvet Mite or ‘Beer Bahuti’: 

Parents protest against reopening of schools and colleges during Ramadan 

Violation of human rights and unprecedented illegalities goes uncheck 

Talented Youngsters’ shows their creativity